30 Questions With Photographer Sherry Christensen

I’m excited to continue with the project where I ask photographers to answer 30 questions about themselves and their photography, and to share some of their work. My next guest is a very active member of the Negative Positives Photography Podcast Facebook group and of the film photography community. Not only has she been a guest on the Negative Positives Film Photography podcasts, but she has her own film photography podcast: Embrace The Grain. She is also the organizer and mastermind behind the 2019 and 2020 Frugal Film Project. Seriously, where does she find the time??

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Sherry Christensen.


I’ve never met Sherry in person, but I’ve been lucky enough to work with her on the Frugal Film Project in 2019 and am again working with her on the 2020 edition of the Frugal Film Project. As the leader of the project, Sherry organized a group of international photographers who used cameras costing less than $50 to prove that great film photography can be had on a budget. I hope you enjoy her interview as much as I did.

Q: What is your name and where do you live?

A: Sherry Christensen. Alberta, Canada.

Q: How can people contact you?

A: https://rr1photography.com, ruralrouteonefilm and embrace_the_grain.

Q: If we’ve met, how do we know each other?

A: Sam & I met on the Negative Positves Facebook group when I started putting to together the Frugal Film Project. Sam was one of the last people to join the project and it has been a real pleasure getting to know him! Pretty sure after the project ends, we still remain good photography friends... even if only online.

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Q: What is your earliest memory of taking a photography?

A: I can remember my Grandma bought me a Kodak Tele-Instamatic 608 for Christmas, it was around 1978, you know the ones with a flip flash bar? I was super excited that Christmas Eve... and we arrived home Mom showed me how to load it. The next morning we got up to exchange gifts and Mom picked up my camera and took the very first frame... of me, then handed it over. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to take photos or open gifts... tough choice for an 11 year old, can’t exactly remember my choice these days... but I do have the photos and the camera!

Q: Of the cameras you currently own, what is your favorite (you may choose one of each format if applicable?

A: Sam! How can I truthfully answer this? I do know I prefer 35mm SLR over medium format. Why? Convience. Easier to load on the go. Fits my small hands better. But I have been pushing myself to use more medium format. For 35mm... I am not brand loyal, I love the one in my hand with film in it. I have a slight “collection” and tend to load 3 of 4 camera bodies, throw them on the seat of the pickup truck seat and go. As for a favorite... I love them all.

Q: Is there a camera you’ve always lusted after and hope to acquire someday? What makes you desire this camera?

A: There were two... let’s just say I no longer have G.A.S. To be honest here... I lusted after a Nikon F6 for years... until the right deal came along.

Q: Is there a camera you no longer have that you miss?

A: No. Before you think I am hoarding them; I have sold some cameras and I have donated a few to educational programs... but some will never be sold. Like my Nikon FE the first film SLR I ever bought.

Q: What type of photographs do you most enjoy taking (portraits, landscapes, street, etc) and why?

A: I am a landscape junkie... there is nothing better than getting in the truck with Snoopy (my big white dog) and just going for a drive on an old dirt road. Sometimes I don’t have to go far to find a place to photograph! I also love to document our family life... random snapshots can be priceless treasures.

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Q: While most of us shoot both digital and film, I believe we all have a tendency to prefer one over the other. What do you prefer and why?

A: It depends on what I am shooting and what is the best tool for the job. I do prefer film, but sometimes digital is the better choice. The way I see it... why be a snob... it is all photography. A good photographer can make a great image on ANY camera, even an iPhone.

Q: How often/much do you shoot photographs (rolls per week, month, etc)?

A: It varies... sometimes on where and what I am doing. But if I try and average it out, probably two rolls per week, 90% of which is c-41

Q: Do you prefer to photograph with other people, or would you rather shoot alone? Please explain.

A: While I do enjoy shooting with others, I tend to shoot alone. It is the time I do something for myself to relax and forget the stress of daily life.

Q: What is your favorite black and white film right now and why?

A: I have to say this is a tough question... I am still exploring the monochrome world. I have had really good results with Ilford HP5 and I am a total rookie when it comes to processing black and white film. Black and white is more difficult for me to shoot... because I really struggle to “see” the photo in monochrome, but I have been working on shooting more of it. How else can I improve and grow as a photographer if I don’t challenge myself?

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Q: What is your favorite color film right now and why?

A: Right now, I can honestly say my favorite is Kodak Gold 200! After using it for the Frugal Film Project I have been exploring just how versatile it really is, not to mention readily available and affordable.

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Q: Complete the following sentence: “I am a photographer because…”. What do YOU get from photography?

A: I am a photographer because I can’t draw! Seriously... I always wanted to create images, could see what I wanted to capture and could not put that down on paper. The camera in my hand allows me to do so.


Q: Best experience while taking photographs?

A: I can say the absolute best experience from photography is probably going to sound very mundane... documenting my Grandson’s childhood! I have photos from infant right up until now and since he is used to a camera around he doesn’t mind being photographed!

Q: Most emotional experience while taking photographs?

A: “Grandma, can I take your picture?” those words melted my heart last summer...

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Q: Worst experience while taking photographs.

A: Card failure at a wedding! Fortunately I was prepared... hiring a second shooter and swapping out cards frequently. But I still lost 60% the wedding ceremony photos I had shot that day. The bride never noticed in the end, but I had a major panic attack. I don’t enjoy wedding photography to begin with, but to have all of that work go “poof” for no reason was a horrible feeling!

Q: Tell me about something related to photography you want to learn.

A: I would like to learn traditional darkroom printing in the future. I’m not sure I would do much of it, but would still like to learn the techniques.

Q: Tell me about something NOT related to photography you want to learn.

A: I am currently re-learning the acoustic guitar... it sounds really bad!

Q: What does your family/loved ones think/feel about your photography?

A: They are used to the insanity...

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Q: What is the last photography related book you’ve acquired?

A: This may sound funny... but I normally check them out of the library via inter-library loans. If it is a book I know I will refer back to, then I buy it. The last purchase was Vivian Maier Color

Q: Name one of your favorite accounts on Instagram and explain what draws you to this photographer.

A: I really don’t have an actual favorite... I’m a scroller. But the images that do capture my eye are always given a like or comment. There is no cohesive thing drawing me to the image, either I like it or don’t.

Q: Have you ever sold or have thought about selling any of your photographs? Would you do it again? Any advice for others thinking of selling their photographs?

A: Yes, I have sold prints, have a “zine” and I have also been published in print magazines. Would I do it again? Yes... but not to be “rich and famous” because in reality I just want enough to fund my photography. My advice is you are thinking of selling your work, sit down and think over the reason you really want to do it, then do a little research of what is involved and ask a lot of questions. There is no such thing as a stupid question.

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Q: Are there any photography related projects you’re working on that you’d like to tell us about?

A: The Frugal Film Project is one I am currently working on. It involves a small global group who shoot one roll of film per month. But wait... there’s more! They must use a camera that costs less than $50 and they must shoot the cheapest locally sourced film they can find for one year! We will be wrapping up the project in January 2020.

Q: Are there any non-photographic related projects you’re working on that you’d like to tell us about?

A: Not really, work, family life and photography pretty much keep me busy.

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Q: Where is your favorite location to shoot (specific place or type of place)?

A: Basically, I really enjoy shooting locally. There is a lot that can be photographed in nature, plants, old buildings, animals... and wide open big blue skies!

Q: Is there a specific object you’ve found yourself photographing over and over again? If so, why?

A: I’m drawn to old farm sites and buildings, like barns for example! Or old homesteads. Sadly, most are being torn down because they are falling down. Something about capturing what time and the elements have done to these once busy farms speaks to me.

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Q: Favorite thing about the photographic community?

A: The pictures! Always and forever it will be the photos.

Q: What do you think the photographic community is missing?

A: The photographic community is pretty diverse, there are the serious folks, the hobbyists, the traditionalist and the lomographers. I’ve probably missed a whole bunch of other types and communities... but what I think is missing is the way to find where YOUR community is. Since I live in a very rural area, the local photographers are mainly digital... I don’t really fit in. So I had to look for others like myself and turned to online communities, by doing so I was able to grow, learn, share and find my tribe.

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Q: Biggest photography related pet peeve?

A: The old “mine’s better than yours” attitude. Nikon is better than Canon. Digital is better than film. This just frosts my cookies... no one system or format is better than the other, embrace them all, open your mind to allow growth and become a better photographer.

Q: What do you hope your photographic legacy will be?

A: The photo albums left behind full of family snapshots. Maybe a few prints hanging on a few walls too.

Q: Who is the one person (living or dead) that you’d like to photograph and why? Describe the type of portrait you’d shoot, and the message you’d want this portrait to communicate about this person.

A: Honestly I am not a people photographer... but there is one person I would love to have in front of my lens. Sadly he is no longer with us... but his passing is what spurred me to photograph my family more. It would be my Brother in Law... he passed of cancer five years ago and we have less than ten photos of him. Makes you think doesn’t it?

Sherry is an extremely talented photographer who is loved and respected by the film photography community.

Head on over @embracethegrain on Instagram and show Sherry some love.