The Top 5 Cameras I'm Currently Lusting After

Just when I FINALLY was feeling like I had tried all of the cameras I wanted to try, a buddy of mine, Aragon ( asked me to write a blog post with him. The subject would be “Top 5 Cameras I’m Lusting After”, or something like that.

If you know me, you already know I have a TON of cameras. I finished 2022 strong though. I had started to sell some of them. And while I DID acquire some new gear in 2022, I finished the year with far less cameras than I started with. I had hoped 2023 would continue that trend. I want 2023 to be more about the photos and less about the gear. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love the cameras themselves as much as the photos they produce, and I’m always game for trying something I’ve never shot before. But as I was just starting to feel like I had settled in on a good group of cameras to be my regular shooters, and had shot all of the cameras I had once lusted after, my buddy comes up with this bright idea to reawaken my GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) that I thought I had FINALLY put to rest.

And, down the rabbit hole I went…

The Hasselblad X1D II

YouTube is great for a lot of things, but mostly for creating GAS. I’d like to thank Todd Korol and his channel (you can check view his YouTube channel here) for making me lust after the Hasselblad X1D II for, among many things, it’s ability to create digital panoramic images in what Hasselblad calls “XPan mode”.

The Hasselblad X1D II is a 50MP Medium Format digital camera with a huge sensor ands a plethora of features, all packed in a nice tidy package. What’s not to love? if you’re a fan of panoramic images like I am, you really must view some of Todd’s amazing work created with this camera. Oh, and if the X1D II wasn’t enough to lust after, Hasselblad now also offers the X2D II, a 100MP Medium Format camera with a 1TB SSD…built in. )

The Shen Hao TFC 617-A

I recently had, and sold, a Shen Hao 4x5 camera that had the optional roll film adapter that could shoot 6x17 negatives on 120 film. I’ll probably always regret selling that camera. It was an amazing piece of gear, but I had another purchase on my mind and decided to part with some camera gear to make it happen. I always told myself I would buy that system again at some point in the near future. Then I learned of the dedicated 6x17 system from Shen Hao, the Shen Hao TFC 617-A. If you’ve ever seen any of Nick Carver’s work, you’ve seen what this beast can do (you owe it to yourself to check out his work here).

The Brooks Veriwide

I ain’t afraid of no…camera?

I first saw this camera a few years ago while rewatching Ghostbusters II. Ok, that wasn’t the FIRST time I saw the camera, as I had seen this movie many times before. But it was the first time I NOTICED the camera. And how could you not??

The Brooks Veriwide is a 6x9 medium format camera. I absolutely love the 6x9 aspect ratio. And hey, if it was featured in Ghostbusters, it has to be cool, right??

The Hasselblad SWC

Looking for a compact wide angle medium formate camera? Then the Hasselblad SWC is the camera for you! The Hasselblad is essentially a lens mounted to a film back. In fact, the only drawback I see to the SWC is that the lens isn’t Interchangeable. The 38mm lens is permanently attached to the camera body.

While 6x6 isn’t my favorite aspect ratio, I could learn to love it if I owned a Hasselblad SWC. To me, this would be the perfect “walking around town” camera. It delivers all of the sharpness Hasselblad’s are known for in a cute little package.

The Graflex RB Series D in 4x5

The Graflex RB Series D cameras came in 2x3, 3x4, 4x5, and 5x7 sizes throughout its history. While I would love to have one in 5x7, the 4x5 model is probably much more practical as I have an enlarger for making enlarged prints from 4x5 negatives, but still think 4x5 contact prints are still sufficient enough for viewing.

Why this camera? I don’t know, to be honest. I already have a couple of 4x5 cameras, but I have just always loved the way these cameras look and have always wanted to shoot one. And that’s good enough reason for me!

So there it is, my list of the top five cameras I’m lusting after! You might have noticed something all of these cameras have in common. They’re expensive!! While all are relatively attainable if I were to sell a kidney, they’re not cheap, and not likely to fall into my hands anytime soon.

So, what’s your list? I’m curious to see how others would answer this question. What are the top five cameras YOU’RE currently lusting after?

I mean, we gotta dream, right?